Franco-Italian festival of jazz and improvised music - XXVI edition
The jazz and improvised music festival , born in 1998, will reach its twenty-sixth edition in 2023. For years now it has taken place in Rome at the Casa del Jazz and in the Auditorium Parco della Musica, thanks to the agreement with the Musica per Roma Foundation, while equally significant are the productions designed specifically for Civitavecchia, in the splendid space of the Cittadella della Musica, in collaboration with ATCL, the theater association between the municipalities of Lazio. The artistic directors Paolo Damiani and Armand Meignan have always defended and valorized European jazz with conviction, sharing the same poetics: Meignan founded Europajazz in 1980, the first ever to have imagined new paths for research European jazz. Damiani created Rumori Mediterranei in Roccella Jonica in 1981.
The event is dedicated exclusively to Italian and French artists who are often invited to play together; this idea of a festival involves many other risks than simply booking bands on tour. In fact, it is necessary to have the artists rehearse original compositions conceived ad hoc for a few days, and therefore propose to the public something unknown, never heard before. Or program talented unknown young people, with the knowledge that in this case they will not be able to count on an adequate turnout of spectators. However, shouldn't these be some of the main functions of every festival? We believe in the social function of the Franco-Italian event, in its mission to encourage everyone's knowledge through programs based on risk and originality.
The commission of new compositions and the many absolute or national premieres have always represented the main characteristic of Una Striscia. Many categories are involved, not only artists but also teachers, producers, distributors, technicians, students, and above all an increasingly curious and available public. Over time, the festival has created dozens of new formations, youth orchestras, co-productions and now stands out both for its history and for its 'mission', which has never been betrayed: that of the search for the new: research that must develop in the medium and long term , for an effective and profound action it takes time and trust in the artists and the public.
In 2023, the presence of strong personalities from the world of theater such as Sonia Bergamasco, Peppe Servillo, David Riondino, Maria Laura Baccarini testify to the desire to enhance the encounters between Literature and Music, the word that becomes voice, phoné, pure sound. Of note are the many original productions, such as the extraordinary new trio by Enrico Rava, and the formations directed by Daniele Roccato - four double basses - and by Gianluigi Trovesi, three clarinets, the new trio of Maria Pia De Vito and quartet by guitarist Francesco Diodati with Benoit Delbecq on piano, the duo between Javier Girotto and the French pianist Jean Pierre Como.
As always, the space for young talents is significant, thanks also to the French Jazzmigration device, of which we will host two groups.
Other key points of the festival are the SIAE AWARD, in agreement with the prestigious magazine Musica Jazz (the most authoritative Italian specialized magazine), the first new talents emerging from the Top Jazz ranking, one of the most significant annual referendums, are invited to play together. The 2023 winners are Mariasole De Pascali and Alessandro Presti, who will both present an original project: Mariasole De Pascali will perform a flute solo, while Alessandro Presti will play in a duo with pianist Roberto Tarenzi.
And the ARTIST'S RESIDENCE, whose protagonists are the winners of the national tender issued by Midj, the national association of jazz musicians, the She's Analog trio with the well-known French double bass player Bruno Chevillon as guest
For the section dedicated to children in collaboration with IJVAS (jazz goes to school association), the workshop/concert for children and young people who play and/or sing will be directed by the well-known composer and saxophonist Cristiano Arcelli.
Una Striscia is also characterized by the unprecedented synergy not only of ideas but also of economic resources that has been created between public partners of the highest prestige who have financed it in recent years: the Ministry of Culture (MiC), the SIAE, the Municipality of Rome , the Lazio Region,the Musica per Roma Foundation and the House of Jazz, the Institut Francais, the French Embassy in Rome through the Nuovi Mecenati Foundation , Midj (jazz musicians association), the INPS . And also: AJC (association Jazzé Croisé), CNM (Centre National de la Musique), SACEM, SPEDIDAM, ADAMI, SPPF, BNP Parisbas, CCP.
Paolo Damiani, Armand Meignan, Roberto Catucci