We are very happy to present you the second publication of EJN’s research project: “Strenght in Numbers 2”. This study collected a substantial set of data from the EJN membership about number and typology of concerts organised each year, support to local artists and typology of other activities, audience numbers, voluntary and paid staff, sources of income and major expenditures. As the EJN membership is very diversified in terms of geographical distribution (32 countries) and of typology and size of organisations (113 members), the research can give a fair representation of the status of the jazz and creative music sector in the European cultural landscape.
Europe Jazz Network’s research project, run by independent researcher Fiona Goh and supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, asked EJN’s members to complete a detailed online survey, collecting a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data about their organisations in 2013. Key facts emerging from “Strength in Numbers” 2 are:
Strong response rate - credible and robust at 61%;
Report gives good evidence on the state of the sector, which shows that despite a difficult operating context, with generally reduced public subsidy and state intervention compared to the last research (published 2012), EJN has continued to grow and its members are extremely active in finding new business models and ways of engaging audiences and enriching the live music experience;
Staffing is up, volunteering is down and in terms of financial health, income overall is up (as is expenditure) but public funding is reduced. Earned income from ticket sales and sponsorship is increased;
Most expenditures are done locally for artists’ performances and local suppliers and have a strong economic impact in local areas;
The sector is becoming more diversified in music genres and artistic disciplines it collaborates with;
Members' activities are also differently profiled, with a significant decrease in free events (perhaps linked to reduced public subsidy) and a similar, but lower, number of events overall;
Audiences for events are up overall but free audiences are down, as might be expected with lower numbers of free events;
In addition, the report includes a comparison with the original research data presented in Strength in Numbers 1 (2012), plus a qualitative research process with selected EJN members to explore and illustrate innovative projects being undertaken by members, often in creative partnerships across Europe, and featuring six case studies about EJN members: Jazz Fest Sarajevo, Banlieues Bleues, Flanders Arts Institute, Annamaija Music Company, Budapest Music Center, Bohemia Jazz Fest, Moers Festival, Handelsbeurs, National Forum for Music, Sage Gateshead, I-Jazz and Norsk Jazz Forum.
“Despite these cuts in support in many national contexts, it is a sign of the creativity, innovation and ingenuity of EJN members that the music continues to thrive and new audiences are being brought to the music for the first time. One can only imagine the profound impact that jazz – and the Europe Jazz Network – would achieve if an adequate level of public subsidy was afforded to members within different nation states. This report should serve as a clarion call to EJN members, funders, policy makers and the broader cultural sector, in providing evidence for the unique contribution that jazz makes to Europe’s cultural and creative economy.”
Professor Tony Whyton - Birmingham City University
“The report makes clear the impact EJN members’ activities have as employers, contributors to their local and regional economies, supporters of both emerging and established artists and as commissioners of new and exciting work. Although the worst of the economic recession in Europe may in some areas be a thing of the past, that is certainly not true in all cases and we hope that the evidence in the report about the substantial impact of our members’ activities will prove helpful in justifying support from the various stakeholders involved.”
Ros Rigby - EJN President
ACCESS THE ONLINE PUBLICATION ON ISSUU> https://issuu.com/europejazznetwork/docs/ejn_report_2016_final
Project webpage> http://www.europejazz.net/strength-numbers