Made in Scotland is a curated showcase of some of the most exciting dance and theatre productions from Scotland at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. It was set-up to raise the international profile of Scottish dance and theatre, and is a joint initiative between the Festival Fringe Society, the Federation of Scottish Theatre and Creative Scotland - supported by the Scottish Government’s Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund.
In 2013, for the first time, a music programme will be introduced as part of Made in Scotland. It will embrace all musical genres and will seek to present the best of Scottish music in the context of the Fringe to new audiences and international programmers. The music programme will be promoted during a five day focus, 14-18 August 2013. We expect that the programme will feature a mix of music venues and appropriate acoustic spaces, so much the hallmark of the Fringe, to date.
We are now inviting applications from musicians, bands, ensembles, and promoters to be part of the new music programme at Made in Scotland 2013.
Deadline for applications is Friday 15th February 2013.
Further information on applying for music support through Made in Scotland is available here:
Made in Scotland Music Guidelines ⇒
Made in Scotland Music Application Form ⇒
Advice on performing at the Fringe and Made in Scotland is available from the Fringe office; madeinscotland@edfringe.com