To illustrate the diversity and creativity of European Jazz and answer questions on the reality of a specific directory Europe, the Marseille Jazz des cinq continents wanted to entrust to Lars Danielsson artistic director of creation for its 2016 edition. Lars chose his musicians and offers an outstanding set. He will present original arrangements of his repertoire, parts of its guests and original songs specially composed for this unique evening. This event will occur in Marseille July 21, 2016, in the beautiful setting of Théâtre Silvain.
European Sound Trend – Lars Danielsson
A tasty cocktail of colors and timbres, this is what Lars Danielsson offers for this musical adventure, an opportunity to express all the inspirations of European jazz. 8 musicians, coming from 8 countries whose rich soundscapes, folk, popular and classical, will offer a wide spectrum improvisations and compositions of the Swedish bassist.
LINE UP : Lars Danielsson – contrebasse, cello Suède (SE) / Cæcilie Norby – chant Danemark (DK)/ Fabrizio Bosso - trompette Italie (IT) / Iiro Rantala – piano Finlande (FI) / Théodosii Spassov – kaval Bulgarie (BL) / Gérard Pansanel – guitare France (FR) / Hossam Eliwat – oud Palestine-France (PS-FR) / Wolfgang Haffner - batterie Allemagne (DE)
Martine Croce - Autre Rivage : +33(0)6 81 25 37 12 – martine.croce@autrerivage.com www.autrerivage.com
European Sound Trend – Lars Danielsson
A tasty cocktail of colors and timbres, this is what Lars Danielsson offers for this musical adventure, an opportunity to express all the inspirations of European jazz. 8 musicians, coming from 8 countries whose rich soundscapes, folk, popular and classical, will offer a wide spectrum improvisations and compositions of the Swedish bassist.
LINE UP : Lars Danielsson – contrebasse, cello Suède (SE) / Cæcilie Norby – chant Danemark (DK)/ Fabrizio Bosso - trompette Italie (IT) / Iiro Rantala – piano Finlande (FI) / Théodosii Spassov – kaval Bulgarie (BL) / Gérard Pansanel – guitare France (FR) / Hossam Eliwat – oud Palestine-France (PS-FR) / Wolfgang Haffner - batterie Allemagne (DE)
Martine Croce - Autre Rivage : +33(0)6 81 25 37 12 – martine.croce@autrerivage.com www.autrerivage.com