"Without any doubt the greatest living jazz violinist. One can expect everything from him."
Ulrich Olshausen from German newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“ about Adam Bałdych.

The polish violin-virtuoso Adam Baldych belongs for sure to the greatest talents in the european jazz. A first sign was the prestigous german ECHO Jazz Award for his ACT-album "Imaginary Room".
Baldych was early counted as a wonderkid. But soon he has chosen the jazz next to his classical education to find the freedom of musical expression.
At the moment Adam Baldych presents two projects:
- His Imaginary Quartet with Adam Baldych (vio), Pawel Tomaszewski (p), Pawel Dobrowolski (dr), Michal Baranski (b).
Free dates:
- 15th october 2013
- 17th october 2013
- 28th january 2014
- 30th january 2014
- 31st january 2014
- 1st february 2014
- 2nd february 2014
- The Adam Baldych / Luciano Biondini Quartet with Adam Baldych (vio.), Luciano Biondini (accord), Michel Benita (b), Philippe Garcia (dr).
- 18th - 23rd march 2014
- 28th / 29th april / 1st may 2014
- 14th - 19th october 2014
You may also listen to Adam Baldych in the Iiro Rantala String Trio. Here some excerps from a concert in Basel (with a sensational Baldych-solo in the middle of "Heart Score" / from, minute 4.51 on):
Also here two videos of the Imaginary Quartet:
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For further informations:
Ralph Gluch
- 0041 33 223 26 01
- 0041 79 310 22 42 (mobile)
- gluch@vtxmail.ch