SIBA - July-August 2025

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SIBA - July-August 2025

From 01 July 2025 to 31 August 2025
Siba - vocals and guitar +++ Mestre Nico - percussion, brass and vocals +++ Aline Falcão - keyboards +++ Rafael dos Santos - drums

Siba - voz e guitarra (vocals and guitar)
Mestre Nico - percussão, trombone e voz (percussion, brass and vocals)
Aline Falcão - teclado (keyboards)
Rafael dos Santos - bateria (drums)

After being on the road with "Avante" and "De Baile Solto" shows (2012 - 2016), Siba began experienced a minimalist format, with music of different moments of his career for the release of "Coruja Muda" album.
The show is a kind of electric recital prepared especially for this format.