Rumor 74 Utrecht 31 October 2013
Start: 8:30 PM Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh Admission: € 16,- / 13,- (U-pas, student, CJP)

8:30 PM Zwerm & Eric Thielemans – Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh
The latest Zwerm project ‘Underwater Princess Waltz’ is all about American one-page pieces. One-page pieces are compositions that fit on a single page – sometimes just one musical idea, other times consisting of a large musical structure with concert-length proportions. Rough sketches, witty sound experiments and conceptual folk songs. All of these one-page pieces require a considerable amount of creativity and compositional skills from the performers. With Underwater Princess Waltz Zwerm connects to the world of blues, free improvisation, experimental rock and negro spirituals. As a part of this CD-project Zwerm is collecting numerous One-Page pieces from the 1960s and 1970s and up to the present. Zwerm will record a selection of their favorites on an album which will be released on New World Records in September 2013. Alongside a plethora of guitars, several guest musicians will be heard as well. In live concert setting the One Page Pieces are performed by Zw! erm and drummer/percussionist Eric Thielemans.
Johannes Westendorp – Guitar; Bruno Nelissen – Guitar; Toon Callier – Guitar; Kobe van Cauwenberghe – Guitar; Eric Thielemans – Percussion & drums
9:45 PM Deafheaven – EKKO
Deafheaven’s founders have previously performed in a grindcore band and the name of the band is an homage to postrock band Slowdive; thus indicating straight away which music worlds meet in this California-based band. This year Deafheaven has done what Liturgy did last year: make a black metal album suited for a wider audience and not just for ‘corpsepaint’ Norwegians. By adding genres such as postrock, sludge, shoegaze and soundscapes a rich amalgam is formed, that is just as devastating as it is impressive. Music that can be pitch black, with a tiny ray of light somewhere at the end of the tunnel. In this respect ‘Roads To Judah’ from 2011 was a fine debut, but with their follow-up album ‘Sunbather’ they finally seem to have forced a modest breakthrough. Live Deafheaven plays with so much passion that attending one of their performances may be characterized as a religious experience.
11:00 PM Spinifex– RASA
By the end of this year the Spinifex Quintet will release their new CD. Rumor will give you a foretaste of things to come. Spinifex’ typical basic ingredients are: compelling grooves, intense improvisation, virtuoso solo parts, psycho rhythms and extreme dynamics. Spinifex’ musicians come from different subgenres such as jazz, contemporary classical music, world music and metal. Together they seek adventure at the fringes of these styles.
Gijs Levelt – trumpet; Tobias Klein – alto saxophone; Jasper Stadhouders – guitar; Gonçalo Almeida – bass; Philipp Moser – drums
Buy your ticket Here
Information and tickets: / 030-2382080 / / Loevenhoutsedijk 301 3552 XE Utrecht
Special thanks to: Vredenburg, EKKO, RASA, Gaudeamus, City of Utrecht, KF Heinfonds, Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, Elise Mathilde Fonds, SNS Reaal Fonds