Instant Composers Pool Orchestra

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Artistic proposalby

Susanna von Canon

Instant Composers Pool Orchestra

From 15 September 2014 to 30 September 2014
Moore Michael
Baars Ab
Wierbos Wolter
Heberer Thomas
Oliver Mary
Honsinger Tristan
Glerum Ernst
Bennink Hendricus Johannes (Han)
Mengelberg Misha
In 1958, guitarist Jim Hall, in liner notes to a Jimmy Giuffre album, used the term “instant composition” to describe improvising. A few years later, Misha Mengelberg, knowing nothing of this, re-coined the term, and it stuck. A quiet manifesto, those two English words countered notions that improvising was either a lesser order of music-making than composing, or an art without a memory, existing only in the moment, unmindful of form. Misha's formulation posited improvisation as formal composition's equal (if not its superior, being faster).